Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tour To Kakani

Just Arrived at School
Friday, 2069/08/29 (14th December 2012), we (class 8 students) visited Kakani as educational tour for 1 night 2 days. Kakani is one of the most attractive areas. Kakani is 29km north-west from Kathmandu. 

Taking Pic with Binu Ma’am
It is 2000 km high from the sea level. It is very beautiful place all covered by jungle. We went there by our school bus. It took exact 5 hour to reach our destination. Many wild animals like bear, unknown medicinal herbs, and unknown birds were in the jungle. From Kakani the view of Kathmandu can be seen very interesting. From Kakani we can see many mountains i.e. Mt. Lakpa Dorje, Mt. Annapurna, Mt. Ganesh, Mt. Dhaulagiri and Mt. Macchapuchhre. 

Beautiful view from Kakani
When we reached Kakani we were too much tired but we were very interested to know the facts found there. The most beautiful view seen from there was of the mountains and of the jungle. Explaining about the people living there is not sufficient in words. They were so much helpful and they respect the people coming there to visit as gods. 

At the temple
People’s main occupation there was farming. The surrounding of Kakani was peace, proper and beautiful. We visited 1 temple in Kakani from where many picnic spot were seen. The place where we stayed was scout camp were all the works were done by ourselves. We needed to wash the dishes and maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding by ourselves. 

Place Where We Stayed
In Kakani, we knew the place where the plane was crashed. The aeroplane was crashed in Ghopte bhir. It was very painful moment for the local people living there because they saw it with their eyes. We talked with local people about the plane crash too. They were very sad explanning about it but happy too because we talked with them under this topic. 

The Next Morning 
Next morning, we cleaned the surrounding of Kakani. We picked up all the non-decomposable matters i.e. paper, plastic, metal, etc. All the people were very happy seeing our work. To keep the forest clean most importantly many rules have to be made. We suggested people to make jungle clean, green and beautiful.  We observed many places of Kakani and they were very clean, even all the people who came to rest and enjoy there also maintained the surrounding clean. 

Sir under the solar :P
People visit there frequently for relaxation and to enjoy their holidays. The climatic condition is too much cold. The soil found there is very fertile. The crops grown there is tea, apple, potato etc. Many houses there use the facility of solar. From the solar energy people produce electricity. So, due to solar energy people do not face the problem of loadshedding

Camp Fire
People use brigade to born papers, dry leaves and plastics and when it is completely burnt it changes into coal instead of changing into ashes which stops the surrounding from being polluted. So, it is very important for maintaining the environment. 

Five friends
Kakani is very nice place to visit because of its natural beauty. Road is also well maintained for walking. Many attractive things are seen from the top of the Kakani. We enjoyed our excursion to Kakani and learned many things there. I like to heartily thank all of our teachers who took us there.

Girls Group

Boys Group

My Experience:

Talking about my excursion to Kakani, it’s undefinable. This excursion cherished my heart with different joys and happiness. This was my experience of going out without my parents which was unforgettable. This tour will always be remembered in my mind because this time I gathered a lot of experience with my friends and teachers. I also got change to mix with my teachers and know about their good times. 

Our teachers organized camp fire in the scout came where our principal sir sang different songs, played guitar and danced too. I enjoyed a lot seeing all of my friends and teachers happy. I missed my home a lot but because of the happy environment I felt glad to take part in such activity. Staying 1 night out was very difficult for me because I had never stayed out without my parents but instead of sadness and fear a kind of happiness arose in me which brought a smile on my face. I have captured a lot of memories of this excursion which enchant my heart with pleasure. This was the best educational tour upto today.


  1. Very Good...Keep it up..Next time do better than this..

  2. thnQ very much sir:) I'll do more better than this!!^_^
