Saturday, September 29, 2012


     Submitted By:
Sarika Shrestha
Class: 8
Roll: 6
Submitted To:
Samuel Sir

      1.    Describe the location of any visited area along with its environmental situation.


   Bhaktapur, also Bhadgaon or khwopa, is an ancient Newar town in the east corner of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. It is located in Bhaktapur District in the Bagmati Zone. It is the third largest city in Kathmandu valley and was once the capital of Nepal during the Malla Kingdom until the second half of the 15th century. Bhaktapur is listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO for its rich culture, traditions, temples and wood, metal and stone artwork.

Bhaktapur is the home of traditional art and architecture, historical monuments and craft works, magnificent windows, pottery and weaving industries, excellent temples, beautiful ponds, rich local customs, culture, religion, festivals, and musical mystic and so on. Bhaktapur is still an untouched as well as preserved ancient city that is itself a world to explore for tourists.

The largest ethnic group in Bhaktapur is Newar. It is beautiful naturally. It has got moderate type of climate i.e. hot and dry in summer and cold and dull in winter. Most of the places of Bhaktapur are filled with religious, cultural and traditional temples and monuments.  Many festivals are celebrated every month. People are self-dependent. And Bhaktapur is famous for its pots and delicious curd.

    The environment of Bhaktapur is very good. The sanitation condition is clean, green and fresh. Although many peoples live their but the condition of the environment is not so much polluted. Industries are established very far. But the forest here is not so much dense as compared to other cities of Nepal.

   But yet some of the places of Bhaktapur are polluted because of modernization and industrialization. Many brick factories are set in cities. It has polluted the air around the city. Also, due to the smokes coming out of vehicles, the city is getting polluted day by day. People are indulged in deforestation for various reasons such as settlement, fodder, etc.

    Many parts of Bhaktapur are still clean, fresh and sanitized. Some rivers here are much polluted. The waste products from hospitals, factories and houses are not properly disposed, instead they are disposed in rivers instead due to which the rivers are polluted. The condition of the environment is somehow better because of various cleanliness programs, tree plantation programs and forest conservation, etc. People here try to make their environment clean and healthy.

    To sum up, the city of devotees, Bhaktapur is beautiful in nature as well as in culture. This city and its people are excellent example of active citizens. They are much motivated towards the development of the city and their locality along with its cleanliness and sanitation. People are not indulged in any negative activities that degrade the environment. Thus, it can be concluded that the city Bhaktapur is very beautiful and the environment here is an excellent example of environmental beauty.

       2.    Mention the causes of degradation of the environmental factors, along with necessary programs need to be conducted to maintain the balance of eco-system.

   The causes of degradation of the environmental factors are as follows:
·       Weak economic condition
·       Population growth
·       Destruction of natural resources
·       Perversion of cultural heritage
·       Pollution

·       Weak economic condition-

Nepal is an agricultural country. Most of the people are engaged in agricultural activities. Majority of Nepalese people depend on the agricultural production. The per capital income is decreasing due to rapid population growth. Today many people are depending upon natural resources which are directly decreasing the resources of the country. The destruction of the forest, poaching of wild animals, unmanaged industrialization and uncontrolled extension of cities causes the destruction of natural resources. Therefore people of Nepal have weak economic condition which means it has got unmanaged agricultural system.

·       Population Growth-
Nepal is small but beautiful country. But being small it has got big variation in caste, culture, tradition, norms and values. The total population of Nepal is 2,31,15,432 according to the population census of 2058 B.S. Now, it is estimated that the population of our country is more than 2.50 crores. The population is increasing day by day due to which the demands of the increasing population is also increasing. The increasing population wants to fulfill their basic requirements. And the environment gets destroyed day by day as the demands of the increasing population are only fulfilled but environment. So, Population should be controlled to control the degradation of the environmental factors.

·       Destruction of Natural resources-

In Nepal about 53.5 percent of the total land is covered by forest a few decades ago. But now only 37 percent of the total land of Nepal is covered by forest. Forest areas have been destroyed due to which the wildlife is also being decreased. Forest is the only area from which different requirements likes minerals, fuels, fodder, medicinal herbs, and so on are got but the natural resources i.e. forest is being destructed due to which the natural beauty is also destroyed. However, it has become difficult for the conservation of forest and implementation of laws. But, we all should work hand in hand to conserve natural resources as they are the beauty of the nation.

·       Perversion of Cultural Heritage-
The combination of arts, crafts, tradition, customs, beliefs, literature, norms and values is known as cultural heritage. There are many artistic works in Nepal. Such works are done in the metal, stone, wood, etc. Cultural heritage shows our religious faiths and belief. But today, modernization has ruined the beauty of cultural heritage totally. The people have already started minimizing the value of their arts, crafts and old heritage. But we should try to conserve our tradition, culture and belief at any cost.

·       Pollution-
  The degradation of existing elements of the environment is said to be pollution. Various construction works, explosion of natural resources, excessive use of natural resources etc. causes pollution in the area. The problem of pollution is increasing day by day. People are being badly affected by the pollution in the environment. So, we should work very hard to conserve the environment.

ü The programs need to be conducted to maintain the balance in the eco-system are:-

·       Public awareness campaign should be done-
The efforts which are made by the government only are not enough to maintain the balance in the ecosystem so peoples should also work very hard to conserve the environment.

·       Afforestation should be done-

People are cutting down the trees day by day for the fulfillment of fodder, wood and so on which are decreasing the number of forest resources. So, the plantation of trees should be done for the proper balance of eco-system. 

·       Forest should be conserved-
Conservation of forest is one of the methods to maintain the balance in the eco-system. Forest is the source through which different requirements like wood, fodder, medicinal herbs and so on. So, for the fulfillment of the necessities forest should be conserved.

·       Environmental sanitation-
   The number of vehicles, factories, and industries degrades the quality of the environment. The garbage and sewage coming from the home also pollutes the environment fully. But, we should try to make the environment clean by conducting various activities. So, environment should be kept clean for the balance of eco-system.

   ·       Publicity campaign should be done-
  Publicity campaign plays an important role for the conservation and promotion of the eco-system. The publicity campaign programs are conducted to motivate people for the population control and environmental conservation.

·       Maintenance and Promotion of Cultural  Heritage should be done-
Environment is made by the combination of physical, biological, chemical and socio-cultural aspects. Cultural aspect is one the important aspects of environment. So, culture should be preserved to show the living style of the ancient people and their religion.